YouTube and DROP4DROP
This month we have been able to start the construction of thirteen new projects which the help of our newest partner, YouTube. Formed in 2005, the video sharing site has rapidly become a household name across the globe and as the site itself has grown, so has its global charitable contribution. Consequently this month YouTube has been generous enough to support drop4drop & enable us to give 14,000 people clean drinking water.
Using this donation we are working with our in-country partners to construct thirteen new water wells which we have located in Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal and Uganda. We have already started construction on a number of these wells and, when they are all up and running, they will collectively serve around 14,000 people with a safe and reliable source of clean drinking water. This means that YouTube will be providing almost 50,000 liters of clean drinking water to communities in need every day. The donation will also allow us to provide all thirteen communities with hygiene classes, soap and sporting equipment which will further increase the benefits that communities will enjoy from their newfound access to safe drinking water. Keep an eye on the ‘Projects’ section on our website for detailed information on each of these new projects when they are completed.
We would like to extend a huge thank you to YouTube from both us at DDROP4DROP and communities which will be impacted in Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal and Uganda!