World Water Day 2014 – Quarter of a Billion Reached
On Saturday the 22nd March, World Water Day 2014, drop4drop reached over a quarter of a billion people with our #iLoveWater campaign on Twitter alone making it one of the most far-reaching charity campaigns ever, despite not spending a single pound on media amplification.
Our #iLoveWater campaign, saw high profile celebrities including Beyonce, Katy Perry, Justin Bieber, Cristiano Ronaldo and Stephen Fry tweeting, posting and instagramming pictures of themselves gratefully enjoying clean water to raise awareness of the millions of people around the world who lack access to safe drinking water.
Here are a few facts:
The campaign reached over 250 million people in 96 countries
#iLoveWater appeared over 60,000 times on Twitter, trending in the UK, Spain & the USA.
#iLoveWater was used over 13,000 times on Instagram
It wasn’t just celebrities getting involved: people as far afield as Moldova, Panama and Kazakhstan joined the conversation on social media, with one loyal follower even writing “#ILoveWater @drop4drop #WorldWaterDay” in chalk on his driveway and sharing his image.
The campaign was a huge success and we would like to say a massive thank you to every one of you who got involved. We now have an even stronger foundation of awareness that will allow us to provide even more people with clean water.
Still want to get involved? Its not to late visit http://bit.ly/WeLoveWater or get in touch at info@drop4drop.org