World Teacher’s Day
World Teacher’s Day is an opportunity to celebrate the teaching profession worldwide by acknowledging achievement and addressing some of the issues central to teaching and access to education presently. 100 nations celebrate World Teacher’s Day every year. The UN has created Sustainable Development Goal #4 which ‘ensures inclusive and equitable quality education and promotes lifelong learning opportunities for all’.
264 million children are not in school due to a shortage of teachers in poor areas far away from a city or town but UNESCO hopes to train 69 million new teachers by 2030 to ensure every child has the opportunity of education (UNESCO). Due to the lack of educators, the quality of education is being compromised and students are subject to overcrowded classrooms.
UNESCO believes that education is a basic human right and that every child should have access to free education. Training teachers is the key to achieving UNESCO’s education agenda for 2030!
As well as a lack of educators, lack of clean water has a negative effect on children seeking education as 443 million school days are lost each year due to water-related illness. In addition, many women and children collectively walk 200 million miles a day to collect water that is oftentimes contaminated. As a result of this, many women and children are left without the opportunity to obtain an education or contribute to the community.
DROP4DROP believes that access to clean water can transform a community! Having access to clean water saves thousands of hours a week lost to water collection meaning women have more time for work and productivity within the community and children can spend more time in education. In addition, the reduction of water-related diseases due to better hygiene means fewer school days are lost and fewer children die from water-related diseases.
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