World Humanitarian Day 2022
World Humanitarian Day is observed every year on the 19th of August to commemorate and honour humanitarian workers who provide lifesaving protection and support people in crisis. The UN formalised this day in 2008 in memory of the 2003 bomb attack on Canal Hotel in Baghdad, Iraq where 22 aid workers were killed and over 100 other people were wounded.
Every year World Humanitarian Day focuses on a different theme to bring awareness to those creating change for the better and aligning partners within the humanitarian system. This year’s theme is ‘It Takes a Village’ which highlights the hundreds of people who work together to deliver urgent health care, shelter, food, protection, water and so much more to those in need.
In times of conflict and natural disasters, water, sanitation, and hygiene are essential to the affected areas. There is high risk – particularly among children – of sickness and disease outbreaks. Water systems can be damaged or destroyed which can make safe water for drinking and cooking unavailable. By 2030, it is estimated that only 81 percent of the world’s population will have access to safe drinking water, leaving 1.6 billion people vulnerable (UNICEF).
DROP4DROP works with our in-country partners to build and refurbish clean water wells as well as hygiene education and hand washing stations to prevent the spread of disease. World Humanitarian Day celebrates the unsung heroes who travel to conflict zones and disaster areas to provide things like access to clean drinking water to those who need it.
In 2021, 461 aid workers were victims of attacks, 203 were wounded, 117 were kidnapped and 141 aid workers were killed while helping others – the highest number since 2013. So far this year, 168 aid workers have been attacked. World Humanitarian Day is a reminder that compassionate and brave humanitarians must be protected; they are #NotATarget.
On #WorldHumanitarianDay and every day, DROP4DROP pays tribute and honours all humanitarians who risk their lives to help others and work endlessly to make the world a better place. #ItTakesAVillage to provide essential services and support every hour of every day.