International Day of Older Persons

01 Oct

International Day of Older Persons

International Day of Older Persons is celebrating in order to challenge negativity and celebrate the achievements an contributions of old people to society and the economy. This year’s theme is ‘The Journey to Age Equality’ which focuses on empowering and promoting older people to actively participate in social, economic and political life. In addition, this theme draws attention to the existence of old age inequality and reflects on the best practices to reduce and finally end old-age inequality

Currently, over 700 million people are over the age of 60 and by 2050 2 billion people, over 20% of the world population, will be over the age of 60. The increase in the number of older people will have the most impact on the developing world as Asia has the largest population of older people and Africa facing the largest proportionate growth.

The theme this year is coordinated with Sustainable Development Goal 10 which ‘ensures equal opportunities and reduces inequalities of outcome’ and in this case specifically’focuses on the pathways of coping withe existence– and preventing future — old-age inequality’ (UN).

DROP4DROP’s mission is to alleviate the global water crisis by providing clean water to all and, in turn, laying the foundations for a brighter future. Because women and children are spending hours every day collecting water from contaminated sources, the access to clean water would allow people of all ages to contribute to the community and obtain an education if they wish to. Due to the growing population of older people, it is important to promote their active participation within their community and lacking access to clean water can be detrimental to that.

For as little as £3 you can help provide clean water to a person, young or old, and transform their life! Keep up to date with our projects by following our social media @drop4drop!

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