Human Rights Day
Human Rights Day is observed every year on the 10th of December, to celebrate the date that the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). This year, marks the 70th anniversary of the UDHR, a milestone document that proclaimed the inalienable rights which everyone everywhere were entitled to for simply being a human being. These rights apply to all people regardless of race, colour, religion, sex, language, political opinion, national or social origin, property, and birth or other status.
It is the most translated document in the world, available in 500 languages.
Our human rights are at the heart of achieving the SDG’s. Without human dignity, we cannot drive sustainable development and without sustainable development, we are unable to achieve our human rights. The UDHR helps to empower us all, and the principals that they are based on are still hugely important today. We need to #standup4humanrights for everyone, and take action in our lives to help others. The human right to safe drinking water was first recognised by the UN and the Human Rights Council as part of binding law in 2010 (UN, 2010) and since then we’ve made it our mission to help alleviate the world water crisis by building bore wells across India and Africa. We focus on using local labour, while heavily involving the community in the project. DROP4DROP want to be part of the solution, but we can’t do it without your support!
DROP4DROP want to stand up for equality, justice and human dignity and ensure those who need it most get access to a safe and sustainable water source. By doing so, this enables more children to go to school and get a good education, allows women to take part in more productive activities within the community, keeps families healthy and allows everyone to enjoy their human right to water. #StandUp4HumanRights and think about working with drop4drop today – you could fund a project in your name or donate as little as £3 to help an individual get access to clean water.
Don’t forget to follow us on social media to stay up to date with all of our projects @drop4drop.