Human Rights Day
Human Rights Day is annually celebrated on the 10th December, with this year being exceptionally memorable, as we celebrate the 70 year anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). This proves the declaration’s immense adaptability globally, having stood the test of time and going on to become the world’s most translated document, interpreted in over 500 different languages. Since the Declaration was adopted, with 48 states in favour and 8 abstentions, it has been continually strengthened. This is due to the general consent of all UN Member States on the Human Rights stated in the declaration, which emphasizes its relevance in our daily lives and just how important they are to each individual. UNHR is therefore not only one of the UN’s most successful achievements but also the first enunciation of human rights across the whole world.
The declaration was created 70 years ago, with the intention of outlining universal values and therefore a common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations. As highlighted by the UN, this was designed to establish the equal dignity and worth of every person and predominantly: “the universality of the perennial values of equality, justice and human dignity”.
Without this declaration, we would not have access to the inalienable day to day human rights we are lucky to have. For example, the right to education, health care and a right to live free from any form of discrimination among others. For this reason, we use this international day of recognition especially to acknowledge those that advocated and defended our access to human rights around the world and made this possible.
Human Rights empower us both mentally and physically, therefore, at DROP4DROP we work interminably to provide those currently struggling to action their rights, the opportunity to. Help us in our mission to alleviate the world water crisis by providing individuals with the right resources to exercise the right to education instead of water collection. Visit @drop4drop on Instagram and Twitter to find out more about what we do!
#HumanRightsDay #CleanWaterForAll