DROP4DROP & Vitá Water
DROP4DROP are really excited to partner up with Vitá Water! Vitá Water are an American bottled water company who believe that everyone should have access to clean, safe drinking water. With every purchase of Vitá Water, they give 31 litres of clean water to those most in need through building wells and other safe water projects. Vitá Water deliver mountain spring water in their bottles whilst leaving very little impact on the environment through their own deforestation projects to offset their carbon footprint. Their water bottles are 100% recyclable and they are committed to using the most eco-friendly packaging possible. So far, Vitá Water have provided 40,000 people with safe water for the next 20 years across 9 different countries.
Vitá Water are pledging to support DROP4DROP in their mission to provide clean water for those in need across the globe! We look forward to working closely with Vitá Water. Keep an eye out on drop4drop’s social media to find out more about this partnership!