World Day of Social Justice
World Day of Social Justice is a day to globally acknowledge that social justice is an underlying principle for peaceful and prosperous coexistence within and amongst nations. It’s estimated that 2 billion people live in fragile and conflict-affected regions, with 400 million of them being ages 15-29 (UNESCO). The UN has reported that 783 million people live under the international poverty line of $1.90 per day. The theme of 2019 is ‘if you want peace and development, work for social justice’ (ILO).
Job creation, better quality jobs, and better access to jobs for the bottom 40% has the potential to increase incomes and contribute to more cohesive and equitable societies, preventing violent internal conflict (UNESCO). Although technology has created many jobs and opportunities that have lifted people out of poverty, many are still at risk of falling back in due to social and economic divides and war and conflict (ILO). The 2030 agenda of ‘leave no one behind’ calls on international communities to address barriers that individuals face in society due to their gender, age, race, ethnicity, disability, culture, and/or religion.
“Growing inequality undermines the international community’s progress in lifting millions out of poverty and building a more just world. The fault lines are visible…unlimited access to education, health services and decent jobs.” – Ban Ki Moon, UN Secretary General (Schools and Health)
Water scarcity reinforces layers of inequality because it does not allow communities access to a human right that dictates many aspects of life like hygiene and health. It widens gender inequality because the burden of water collection falls on women and children, making it less likely that they will have the opportunity to contribute to society and obtain an education. In addition, water scarcity widens the economic gap because wealthier people are able to seek clean water from elsewhere so vulnerable people are at the most risk to water-borne diseases and lack of sanitation. DROP4DROP’s mission is to alleviate the water crisis because access to clean water can transform lives, create opportunities, and lay the foundations for a brighter future. Be part of the solution and donate as little as £3 to provide an individual with clean water who is currently struggling to live without!
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