Nyoric Community, Warap State, South Sudan

“My name is Ariik Manut Akoon. I am a 25-year-old young man. I am hereby expressing the difficult situation that we faced while looking for water when the Nyoric borehole was broken. The problem of the Nyoric borehole started when a certain cattlekeeper who had over 120 herds of cattle began to bring his cattle to the water point for drinking in just two days’ time. It took about three hours to complete the drinking for his cattle. The borehole experienced constant pumping in three hours to fill the platform five times without putting any other container to take water, people with containers had to wait for the cows to finish drinking water before they take water for their daily services. It regularly went on for two days until the borehole got damaged in the hand of the cattle keeper. As the cattle keeper was caught red-handed and immediately held accountable for the borehole’s breakage, but he refused to shoulder the liability, which sparked a serious disagreement over the issue. The elders of the Nyoric community intervened after two days and resolved the matter by leaving the man alone and ordering him to pay an equal contribution that was meant for a household and replacing the water committee with new people because of the negligence of failing to protect the borehole. In this dire situation in which we lacked water, our community members dispersed to different boreholes that consisted of Mading and Bakder wells to access clean water, which was very fateful. Domestic animals such as cattle, sheep, and goats were thirsty to the extent that they disappeared, which forced the owners to search for their whereabouts for a number of days. Now, the mechanics from the organization have come to look into the borehole’s problem and found the issue to be the rod that had broken into two separate parts. They have now installed the new rod, fixed it and water is now flowing plentifully as expected. The committee has also cleared the fee for the rod.”

Ariik Manut Akoon, Community Member.

This project was undertaken as part of our campaign of projects that actively reduce carbon emissions. This project helped the community save their much needed wood which was previously being burnt daily to boil water. This project has also eliminated the many thousands of hours previously spent on walking to collect water.