Kalagi Village, Foni Jarrol District, The Gambia

‘This Village is located along the Trans-Gambia south Bank Road. It is the border community between the West Coast Region and Lower River Region. It is a busy hub for local trade in traditional farming implements like hoes, rakes etc. It is a subsistence farming community, growing groundnut, millet and rice. The Village has been suffering from lack of water due to the large number of people within the community especially during the rainy season. The current water source is not enough to serve the entire village and as a result some people took to open wells for usage which has resulted in sickness especially among women and children.’

Drop4drop In-country Partner

This project was undertaken as part of our campaign of projects that actively reduce carbon emissions. This project helped the community save their much needed wood which was previously being burnt daily to boil water. This project has also eliminated the many thousands of hours previously spent on walking to collect water.