Dukunyang, Yei River State, South Sudan

“Sarah Ngonga is 20 years old with one child. She’s stayed in the ‘Dukunyang residential area throughout the conflict in Kupera County. Ngonga is a farmer in her village. She plants cassava, groundnuts, and Sweet Potatoes to earn income after its all harvested. During the conflict, life was difficult, because she moved far to the bush for refuge and accessing clean water was a considerable challenge to the people living in the bush. Now things are okay in Kupera because there is peace coupled with the rehabilitation of their water well. Now life is good because of clean water from the borehole. Ngonga is very thankful to her County Commissioner for bringing the WIB repair crew for their rescue with clean water in ‘Dukunyang boma. Many thanks go to the funders of this project in the US.”

In-country Partner

This project was undertaken as part of our campaign of projects that actively reduce carbon emissions. This project helped the community save their much needed wood which was previously being burnt daily to boil water. This project has also eliminated the many thousands of hours previously spent on walking to collect water.