Panjap Primary School, North Bahr-al-Ghazal, South Sudan

“My name is Gol Wol Ugiidi, and I am married and have three children who are now in school. I am 35 years old and work as a Teacher at Panjap Primary School. I am very happy today that our well is repaired again after one year and three months of breakage. In this school, we have over two hundred children who get water from this pump inside the school compound. We also have about 200 households around here in this community who also get water from this well. Since last year, we suffered a lot here in school due to the lack of water. During that time, we released pupils early before the sun got hot because they became thirsty when they stayed until noon and had no water to drink. So, the school authority decided that children should be allowed to go home before it gets hot. This interrupted our school timetable, cutting some of the lessons out daily. Our school also lost school feeding due to lack of water because it is one of the criteria for WFP to have water in the school. However, we approached them last week and told them that WESI would repair our well and requested them to release our food, which they accepted. Now that our well is fixed, we will still get food for our school, and our children will still be getting all the lessons according to the time table. Our community will not suffer again due to lack of water but continue to get clean drinking water from here. I thank WESI very much for supporting our school and community. May God bless WESI and its partners with more resources to continue helping the needy.”

This project was undertaken as part of our campaign of projects that actively reduce carbon emissions. This project helped the community save their much needed wood which was previously being burnt daily to boil water. This project has also eliminated the many thousands of hours previously spent on walking to collect water.