Foodbuy’s 350th Well: Katchang Village, Upper Badibu District, The Gambia

“The community of Katchang is extremely delighted with the completed water project. The community made a special dedication for this by cooking a traditional food for the ceremony called ‘’Benachin’’. This was cooked by the village’s women group called Seewo Kafo (happy people). The food was shared among the community. Although it was not plenty but at least the idea was everyone to have a taste of the food as means of giving thanks and gratitude for the water project. Everyone was feeling the joy of having clean drinking water in the community. The current head of the village Dembo Fatty welcomes the team of workers and delegates at the village. He gave his heartfelt thanks to the donors and the workers who worked so hard to get the project completed: “Our village is overwhelmed with happiness, we will forever be grateful to you all for we have long suffered due to lack of clean water in our community” he said. “We are praying for you and saying big thank you.”

“We are very happy and appreciative of your intervention. This water project is a major source of water for both people and animals in the community. Now that you have come to our aid and we are very excited about it particularly the women who used to struggle more to access water. We are truly happy”, said Dembo Fatty head of the village water committee.

Musu Jaiteh, the community women mobilizer heaped praise on Compass and Foodbuy for their generosity in funding this water project. He prayed for their success and progress. “Your success and progress are a success and progress for humanity because you are helping vulnerable people like us”, she said. “This work is truly humanitarian and we are very grateful.”

Jainaba Danso, Satou Kanyi, Kaddy Camara and many other women in the community explained the ordeal they used to face by travelling hours to the rice fields along the creeks to collect unclean water for their families. “We used to wake up early in the morning and use donkey carts or at times walk towards Jumansarr koto or Bao Bolong just to get some water for our families. This had a major burden in our lives. It made us sick with body aches and fatigue and that made us poorer because the time we could have used for farming and other economic activities is used for collecting water. Our houses used to be lonely and empty most of the times as we get busy searching for water. Now that is a thing of the past thanks to this water project. We will forever be grateful and saying thanks for lifting us from the pit. In addition, this water project will also help us in watering our household vegetable garden which will help us eat healthy. We can be washing our household items and utensils, laundry. The newly built water trough provided will also serve as a drinking point for our livestock. Our sheep and goats were skinny back then but when this water project got completed within these few weeks, we’ve noticed our livestock are shiny and looking well.”

“We can now better utilize the time we used to travel to collect water by taking care of our families at home and also engaging in meaning household activities and smaller economic activities at the Loumo (Weekly village market). It will also help men better prepare the farms for the seasonal rains for a better harvest. This water project has also fostered unity and cohesion among the villagers as we gather together at the water source chatting, laughing and sharing ideas while we fetch water with convenience. This water project is a blessing for us”, they said.

“Abaraka, Jere Jeff, Jaarama” (THANK YOU).

Drop4Drop In-Country Partner

This project was undertaken as part of our campaign of projects that actively reduce carbon emissions. This project helped the community save their much needed wood which was previously being burnt daily to boil water. This project has also eliminated the many thousands of hours previously spent on walking to collect water.