Bulingo 3, Mpigi District

‘We have always used the small ponds that surround our village to get our water for our family. For years I spend much of my income on medicines for my children, as they often get ill due to dirty water. Now with this clean water readily available, I can be happy knowing that my children will no longer suffer from sickness, they can spend more time in school. I also have more time to spend on my crops and business making ventures, rather than hours collecting water. The new water well will mean better lives for me and my family. Many many thanks to the donor for this life changing gift.’

Nakalema Olivia
29 years

This project was undertaken as part of our campaign of projects that actively reduce carbon emissions. This project helped the community save their much needed wood which was previously being burnt daily to boil water. This project has also eliminated the many thousands of hours previously spent on walking to collect water.