Maliai Centre Village, Warrap State, South Sudan

“My name is Achol Agoth Piol from Maliai Centre, I am a 23 year old young woman who married my lovely husband in 2022, and we’re blessed with one baby girl. We reside at Maliai West, where my husband and I live as farmers who keep livestock and cultivate food crops for a living. When the Maliai Centre borehole ceased supplying water to us as the main borehole that provides water to Maliai Market, Maliai Primary Health Care Unit, and the community around Maliai as a whole, it became the worst moment where everyone vacated the market, houses, and health facility in search of clean drinking water at different neighboring wells. The patients at Maliai Health Care Unit were left in an uncomfortable zone in the facility by the nurses and caregivers who didn’t have
clean drinking water to give or water to prepare tea, porridge, and food for the patients. With this unrest, it took me a day without having prepared food to eat, and my husband, who looks after cattle, disappeared with cows for two days. Though it’s a rainy season, it took a week without being rained, so all the pools and hand dug wells dried up, and livestock access water together with us at Maliai borehole, which has become a ghost water point. Fortunately, pump mechanics came and recovered our borehole from its damage through swift and advanced repair that restored the lost hope to the community. We’re so happy to see our water point reproviding its usual clean drinking to our people. Everything will get settled in Maliai Centre as we continue to access clean water here.”

Achol Agoth Piol, Community Member.

This project was undertaken as part of our campaign of projects that actively reduce carbon emissions. This project helped the community save their much needed wood which was previously being burnt daily to boil water. This project has also eliminated the many thousands of hours previously spent on walking to collect water.