Kongal SC Village (Eguvarpalayam), Tamil Nadu, India

“The water facility in our village provide us very little water and only twice in a week and also only few pots of water we were able to fetch. So for all other needs we had been going long distances and bring on our foreheads. Most of the time, we used to take our children to bring water and lots of time were wasted and thus it was a great struggle for us. We had been longing for a good source of water and now our dreams have true. We are very happy and our children and the other members in our areas are able to avail the water ant it is a great support to us.
The childrens are very happy and are able to take bath regularly and also they are looking clean and tidy. The children are able to go to their schools in time and it is a real support to us. We thank to METAGUARDIANS, HOUSE OF LEGENDS and DROP4DROP, U.K., very much for the support you have given to us. We thank also NEWS NGO.”

Mrs. H.Divya Bharathi, Community Member

This project was undertaken as part of our campaign of projects that actively reduce carbon emissions. This project helped the community save their much needed wood which was previously being burnt daily to boil water. This project has also eliminated the many thousands of hours previously spent on walking to collect water.