Gulwei Village, Warap State, South Sudan

“My name is Abuk Deng Akech, I am a 25-year-old mother of one child. I live at home with my husband as a resident of Gulwei. Our main activity for living is farming, we keep chickens, goats, sheep, and cows. We also cultivate crops for food, and surpluses are being sold with money for basic needs, other surpluses are sometimes sold with goats, sheep, and cows, depending on the quantities that we have had. The family and livestock we keep at our house get water from the Gulwei borehole except for the rainy season when livestock only access water from pools. We humans continue taking clean water from the Gulwei borehole, the oldest borehole in Biong that was installed in 1978 during the reign of Lawrence Wol Wol as the Governor of Bahr el Gazal. Some boreholes that were donated together with this well had completely exhausted beyond reasonable doubt in Biong Payam. A few days back, this borehole was damaged. The committee called the Mading team technicians to look into this well’s problem, and they responded positively and came to check the issue. However, they found that two pipes were damaged beyond repair, they said that they had new pipes and discussed with the committee and agreed with the pricing of new pipes. The two new pipes were brought by technicians and installed into the borehole, leading to its normality restoration. The community of Gulwei is very happy to see this borehole functioning well.”

Abuk Deng Akech, Community member.

This project was undertaken as part of our campaign of projects that actively reduce carbon emissions. This project helped the community save their much needed wood which was previously being burnt daily to boil water. This project has also eliminated the many thousands of hours previously spent on walking to collect water.