George Dundas
The Dundas Family
Bakkannagaripalli Thanda, Andhra Pradesh
Kindly donated by George Dundas
“Sir, please convey my gratitude to the donor of this well. Now our community is able to get water from [Read More]
- Population: 1560
- GPS: N14.332733 E78.36895
- Year: 2016
- Sponsor: George DundasThe Dundas Family
Kuppalapalli Harijanawada, Andhra Pradesh
Kindly donated by Alasdair Dundas in memory of his much loved mother Sheila Dundas
“Before constructing this hand pump bore-well in our village, our village people were faced difficulties through our old water source because [Read More]
- Population: 1450
- GPS: N14.35563, E78.40774
- Year: 2016
- Sponsor: Alasdair DundasThe Dundas Family