Ariyathurai BC Village, Tamil Nadu, India

“I am Gayathri W/o Sekar of Ariyathurai BC Villagers privileged to thank and greet NEWS NGO, DROP4DROP, U.K. and Kindly donated by MARSH MCLENNAN
Through purchases of life water, for a Deep Borewell fitted with an Electrical Motor and a 2000 Liters Overhead Tank to our Ariyathurai BC Village. Water is one of the most essential in our lives. But it remained as a dream to us. We developed great happiness when they came to our village and made the survey. It was great surprise for us and as we never dreamt that we will be getting water source especially nearer to our houses. We made many attempts with the local village authorities and due to lack of funds and poor policies we could not avail the adequate water source. All these years we were dependent on local pond water for our daily domestic use. But it is our great joy and also, we convey our sincere gratitude to LIFE, KINDLY DONATED BY MARSH MCLENNAN through purchases of life water, DROP4DROP U.K. for supporting the project. Our children convey their sincere regards for your support and they are able to take bath and keep themselves in a hygienic manner. Thank you. Drink Well Be Happy.”

Gayathri W/o Sekar, Community Member

This project was undertaken as part of our campaign of projects that actively reduce carbon emissions. This project helped the community save their much needed wood which was previously being burnt daily to boil water. This project has also eliminated the many thousands of hours previously spent on walking to collect water.